ReSound Surefit 2 Receiver Links fit most newer ReSound RIE/RIC hearing aids, including our LiNX models. This is the Low Power Receiver version, for those with mild to moderately severe hearing loss. It is typically used with open fit tips, also available here. The Resound Surefit Receiver Link (LP) is available in 5 different lengths, and for left or right ears.
ReSound SureFit 2 Receiver Link - Low Power (LP)
ReSound SureFit 2 receivers deliver sound to the ear canal. They come in various power levels and wire lengths.
ReSound Surefit 2 is the new range of receiver links from ReSound. They are replacing the previous Surefit receiver models as there was an issue with the wire. The Surefit 2 receivers are currently compatible with ReSound ENYA, LiNX², Linx3D, and LiNX Quattro Receiver-In-Ear (RIE) hearing aids.
Surefit 2 receiver tubes are also manufactured as Medium Power (MP) and High Power (HP) designs. Please ensure you are ordering the correct power level.
ReSound manufactures a number of different styles of sizes of domes for the Surefit 2 receiver tubes. Please note that the domes are NOT included with the receiver tube and must be ordered separately. The range of compatible domes can be viewed by clicking here.
The specifics of the receiver link are usually printed as a small code on the metal casing of the receiver itself. Blue printing for the left ear, red for the right ear. “0” to “4” for wire length. LP (Low Power), MP (Medium Power), or HP (High Power). If you can’t read your receiver link code, call us to see if we can help you figure out what you need.
Please note that if you are planning on changing the ReSound Surefit Receiver Link yourself, ReSound recommends using a special multi-tool for unlocking the body of the hearing aid. If you do not have this tool, please contact us when you order replacement receiver links.
Soundak is not responsible for damage to hearing aids caused by improper replacement procedure.
ReSound NanoCare Wax Guards
RIE/RIC receiver links have wax filters in the end that must be changed/replace regularly. ReSound NanoCare Wax Guards are used on Surefit 2 receiver April 2015, ReSound introduced the new SureFit 2 portfolio, consisting of new receivers, thin tubes, domes and sports locks.
SureFit 2 receivers may be tiny, but they are big on listening comfort and sound quality thanks to their improved sound performance. The SureFit receiver line-up includes four output levels with one dome system. The receiver design has a 3-pin RIE connector enabling them to function with LINX2, Enya, LiNX 3D & LiNX Quattro hearing aids.
- Low Power (LP)
- Medium Power (MP)
- High Power (HP)
- Encased Ultra-Power (UP)
Receiver-In-Ear (RIE) Hearing Aids

RIE or BTE hearing aids?
The difference between Behind-the-Ear (BTE) and RIE hearing aids is that on RIC/RIE the receiver (speaker) sits directly in your ear, while BTE hearing aids have the receiver (speaker) built into the body of the hearing aid.RIE hearing aids are one of the most popular types of hearing aids thanks to their ease of wearing and effectiveness. RIE hearing aids are also sometimes called Receiver-in-Canal hearing aids (RIC).
- Less susceptible to feedback sounds from your hearing aids
- Good at amplifying high-pitched sounds, giving you a clearer, more natural sound quality
- Small, discreet
- Light and easy to wear